Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sesame seed dressing w/ broccoli


1 lb. broccoli cut into small pieces

3 tbsp. sesame seeds

3 tbsp. soysauce

1 tbsp. sugar


1. Boil 6 c. of water and add broccoli, cook for 1 min.,drain and set aside.

2. Toast sesame seeds over medium heat for 3 min., then crush.

3. In a pan, combine soysauce, sugar, & sesame seeds, mix well. Then toss with broccoli, serve.

Monday, April 27, 2009


[yuri(ko)<3rei/koi dane!~]

My 1st yr. mirror, the most useful project I ever made!

A bottle full of lavanders!

I made it by myself.


My friend gave me this as an exchange gift!



[3]The highheeled sandal I wore on my Ninang's wedding.



I wore this last Christmas party.
Supposed to be it has a white polo blouse but I just realized that it is gone! Nowhere to be found!


I wore this on our school's festival's[foundation day] battle of the bands.
Where we rock on all night.It started 5:00 pm and ends 9:30 pm.


I wore this when we went to mall that day is our last day of school.
I spent my time with my friends from 1:00 pm upto 7:00 pm.

The stawberry pin was given to me by my best friend.She bought it as a remembrance.
The "y" pin, I bought it and I want it to be completed "Y,U,R,I,K,O".



My deathnote notebook.I bought it at comic alley-trinoma. I bought it for 299.00.

My cute collection!
Some of this thing are given by my auntie. It came from JAPAN!
haha..... I'm happy that I've treasured it since she gave it to me when I was in elementary.
I was too clumsy when I was in elementary that's why I'm happy.Yukatta!

My yukata slippers but this one is a display only I can wear it it's too small even if it was given to me when I was in elementary[primary level]

stationary? haha.....I can't tell but I exchanged my game tickets just to get this.I just get it because it's cute sou deshou?

This two albums contains pictures of jactors.^^

this contains wallet sized pics.

This contains wallet size, 5r, 3r sizes of pictures.

My princess princess stickers.
It's so cute and somekinda funny.Haha...

I'm playing....

Even scared I tried to play hotel626 haha.....
somekinda frightend[waaaah! obake!!!!] heeheehee....
not just because it's horror but it's night here in the Philippines...
hmm..... haha.....
Try to play it! Especially those who are affraid of ghost like me!
'till next time!


My Blog!

Hi I'm Yuriko the owner of this blogsite.
I'm a Filipina who loves JDorama and Anime'.
I have my collections from stickers to pictures.
Minna-san pls. view my blog always and watch out for more pics!^^

