Tuesday, July 20, 2010



Minna genki?

I'm not that good today.

I'm having difficulty in breathing yesterday.

We went to EMERGENCY ROOM and ask what's happening to me.

They examined me through ECG and they told me the result was normal.

They ask me if I have fought with someone or somebody.

I said NO.

I was told to visit my doctor for further examinations.

Then I visited my doctor a while ago.

The doctor told me that it can be that there is a swelling rib inside me or some complications

with my heart.

Having a swelling rib inside a teen ager is normal.

The doctor told me to have an 2-D echo examination.

I hope the results are normal.


Please pray for me.


Tuesday, July 13, 2010



Minna genki!?

I'm a little bit fine but my head hurts.

Here in from of the computer busy making my reaction paper.

Mata ne!
